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About Social Affairs

Honorable citizens:

I’m glad to introduce welfare services provided by Department of Social Affairs
of Hsin-Chu City Government through website that is another communicating channel bridging you and us. Sincerely would I be representative of all staffs to invite you to this warm family.

The work of social service is a significant part of city construction. In face of the diversification of societal development, people are eager for social welfare service gradually more and more. Following the ideals of need orientation and caring the disadvantaged, our department has been endeavoring to facilitate various social welfare services by means of professional methods and integrating social resources. We look forward to having a welfare society in the future with full participation of all citizens.
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Address:No.241, Zhongyang Rd., Hsinchu City,30041,Taiwan, ROC 
Business hours:Monday to Friday 8:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 17:00
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